Youth In Ministry

Young people can lead. They simply need someone to believe in

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Friday Night Bible Study

Our Bible Study is every Friday at our house. We have an average of 20 students attending. Most of them are faithful in attending our Bible study.

"You have heard me teach many things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Teach these great truths to trustworthy people who are able to pass them on to others." 2 Timothy 2:2 (New Living Translation)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Team Based Ministry Launch June 2005

We launched our team based ministry last June 2005. We were able to form 2 teams, the care and prayer team and the promotions team

Summer Camp May 2005

Summer Camp last May 19, 20, & 22. Our Youth, with the help of CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) Staff ministered to 50 children from Tuburan and MBC.

Sunday Afternoon Fellowship

We're having fun every Sunday afternoon learning God's Word. Fellowship starts at 2 pm.
We believe on teamce's principle of Youth In Ministry
The bottom line today is that if youth don't lead the church,
they leave the church.
It's time to stand down in order to allow young people to step up.
The simple philosophy, "Never do anything for young people they can learn to do for themselves."


All for 1


Because I believe that Christian youth can make the same commitment to Jesus Christ as adults, and as a sponsor of youth in ministry, I covenant to challenge young people to the highest level of service and dedication. With God's help I promise:

1. to teach by example the principles of Christian Endeavor;
2. to equip youth to lead their peers in the cause of Jesus Christ;
3. to involve young people in the life and the work of the church together
with the rest of the Christian community;
4. to support the mission and the ministry of Christian young people
with my time, talent, and treasure; and
5. to recognize publicly and privately their achievements.

"One life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."