Youth In Ministry

Young people can lead. They simply need someone to believe in

Monday, February 06, 2006

God's Message 2

Taken from Experiencing God day by Day Devotional by Henry and Richard Blackaby


Oh that my head were waters, And my eyes a fountain of tears, That I might weep day and night. For the slain of the daughter of my people. Jeremiah 9:1

Jeremiah was invited by God to be a weeping prophet. His call came during turbulent, agonizing times as his society suffered from pervasive moral and spiritual decay. The nation of Judah had turned so far from God that it was soon to face His fierce judgment. This was not a time for merrymaking but for weeping. God looked for someone he could mold into the kind of prophet needed for such a bleak time. He forfeited family and reputation. He endured misunderstanding, ridicule, and persecution. He was imprisoned and mocked by those to whom he had come to warn of God's empending judgment.

Satan will try to convince you that obedience carried much too high a price, but he will never tell you the cost of not obeying God. If you are to be used in God's service, you must expect to make adjustments in your life. Can you measure the distance between the throne room of heaven and a cattle shed in Bethlehem? How far is it from the Lordship of th universe to the cross? Don't be deceived into thinking there is no cost involved in obedience.

What adjustments is God asking you to make? Will you face the hardships and opposition that will come when you align your life with God's will? Jeremiah had the deep satisfaction of knowing he was a faithful and beloved servant of God. Your reward will be the same when you fully obey Christ, regardless of the cost.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

God's Message

The day after we decided to take the new route, God gave me this message. This was taken from Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional by Henry and Richard Blackaby.

The Cost to Others

Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. John 19:25

There is no Christianity without a cross, for you cannot be a disciple of Jesus without taking up your cross. Crosses are painful; they forever change your life. But sometimes the greatest cost will not be to you but to those you love. You may be prepared to obey the Lord's commands, whatever they are, because you've walked with Him and know that His way is best. Yet there will be those close to you who have not related to Jesus in the same way and have not heard His voice as clearly.

Jesus understood that His Father's will for Him led to a cross. The cross would mean a painful death for Jesus, and it would also bring suffering to those closest to Him. Because of the cross, Jesus' mother would watch in agony as her son was publicly humiliated, tortured,and murdered. Jesus' aunt and close friend would witness HIs excruciating death. His disciples would be scattered in terror and confusion in what would be the longest, darkest night of their lives. Because of Jesus obedience, there would also be a cross for each of His disciples.

Obedience to the Lord's commands will affect others (Luke 14:6). Don't refuse to obey what you know God is asking because you fear the cost to your family will be too great. Beware lest you seek to prevent those you love from taking up the cross God has for them. Don't ever try to protect those you love by disobeying God. The cost of disobedience is alwasy far greater. Rather, look to Jesus, your model, and see what it cost those around Him for Him to be obedient to His Father.

Taking the Road Less Travelled

Serving the Lord allows us to learn so many lessons as we journey through life. I realized that sometimes we have to take "U turns" - U turns are occasions when you started going one way and then had to stop and change directions because your original plan wasn't working.

Change of direction may cause some inconvenience but I believe that we have to embrace them as opportunities to get back on the right track.

I praise God for always showing us His ways and allowed us to take the road less travelled.

We may be travelling a new route but we will serve God until He comes.